Downloads of Old Adobe Products

Dreamweaver CS4 LogoBe Prepared.
Isn’t that what the Boy Scouts say? The more you think about it, the more it sounds like a good idea.

Well, I had done everything in my power to be prepared, so when that day that we all dread happened at my sideline gig when my hard drive finally gave it up and died. I had actually backed up about 99% of all my important templates and images and critical info the week before. The vast majority of programs I use are available as downloads on the internet, so I don’t worry about those too much. But I had purchased an licensed copy of Dreamweaver CS4 about 6 months ago on Ebay. I had actually the serial number for it and was able to register the program at the Adobe site. So when my boss got me my new hard drive I little concern over getting everything back up and running.
The whole process was going smooth. Too smooth. As I opened my official Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 case, I stopped and stared in disbelief.
It was empty.
I ransacked book cases and cabinets and piles of old cds looking for it. No luck. It was gone. I had no idea where it could be, and after searching long and hard, I gave up and started searching the web for Dreamweaver CS4 replacement disks. To my amazement, someone had posted at the Adobe Forums just that day about looking for replacement disks. Well, there response brought up a website with very explicit instructions on obtaining downloads of previous versions of Adobe programs in the trial versions. The requirements are an active Adobe account and the serial number of the Adobe App in question.
The links to the files are on a post at ProDesign Tools. And you need follow the instructions. It’s relativity easy.
You go to a download page for Adobe Acrobat. Either create or log in to your account and begin a download of it. This apparently sets a cookie on your computer to identify you as a registered Adobe member. You then return to the ProDesignTools post and choose the app you need via the respective download link.
The link again to that post is:

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